Reiki & Crystal Healing - 1 Day Certification Course
11:00 - 18:00 Uhr


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Reiki & Crystal Healing - 1 Day Certification Course

Welcome to one day course of exploration how Reiki and Crystals can work together to enable self-healing on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.

In this one-day Reiki Crystal Healing certification you will learn how to utilize crystals and Reiki synergistically during a Reiki session for healing the mind, body, and soul.

This course is 50% hands-on supervised practice using all of the Reiki Crystal Healing techniques in order to help you learn with confidence and ease.

We will then participate in a Reiki sharing circle to raise our collective vibration, bring the group into energetic alignment, and experience the peace and relaxation that Reiki can bring.

You will learn how to construct a crystal grids. Each participant will have the opportunity to lie within the grid and experience its effect as a resonance and amplification chamber while Reiki energy is channeled into it.

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By the end of this Reiki Crystal Healing Course you will be able to:

- Understand the healing properties of crystals according to their crystal formation and chakra vibration

- Use healing crystals during a Reiki session, including for self-Reiki as well as for others

- Lean how to choose healing crystals

- Cleanse and charge your healing crystals

- Activate and dedicate your heling crystals

- Create a crystal grid for aura cleansing, manifestation and healing

- Do a full-body crystal layout to balance the chakras

- Meditate with your healing crystals

- Program your healing crystals for specific purposes

- Use your healing crystals for protection and grounding

- Clear a room or space of negative energies using Reiki and crystals

- You will receive 30 pages Manual and Certificate of completion

Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1



Ewelina Bubanja is a Reiki Master Teacher and Sound Healer. Her intention is to share techniques that reconnect you to your inner space and guide you back to a natural state of balance and harmony. She provides a selection of transformative and empowering healing sessions, professional trainings, moon circles and meditations to assist you in bringing your mind, body and soul into alignment.

More info:
Cosmic Heart Alchemy
Seishin Reiki School Berlin

Small group. Places limited. To register please email:


11:00 - 18:00 Uhr


Die Veranstaltung findet in der Saarbrückerstr. 6 in 10405 Berlin statt.
Die Räume befinden sich im Vorderhaus, 2. OG Rechts (Klingel FM&N7)

saarbruecker6_grosses_zimmer saarbruecker6_kamin saarbruecker6_kueche


Price:150 ( Including Chakra Crystals Kit ♥ )


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